Usage Areas
- Terrace, balcony and in all wet areas,
- On roof and garden terraces,
- Parking lot insulation and coatings,
- In tunnels,
- In warehouses,
- In prefabricated buildings,
- In steel structures,
- On large opening terraces,
- It can be applied on horizontal and vertical surfaces,
- Provides easy solutions in difficult details,
- Provides a one-piece application. There are no grouts, overlay details,
- Provides excellent adherence,
- It has excellent chemical resistance,
- It has excellent mechanical strength,
- It has high puncture resistance,
- It is flexible, resistant to abrasion,
- It has crack bridging capability,
- Perfectly adheres to almost all surfaces (concrete, steel, aluminum, fiber, wood, foam, etc.),
- It is hydrophobic (water repellent),
- The liquid is impermeable, it can be used in constant contact with water,
- 100% solid, VOC-Solvent free,
- It has excellent thermal resistance, the product never re-softens, retains its elasticity at low temperatures.