Usage Areas
- Indoor and outdoor, horizontal and vertical applications,
- On terraces open to UV,
- It is used in drinking water tanks. (Approved by Akdeniz University Department of Chemistry Education for contact with drinking water according to Bs6290 standard)
- It is fully elastic and water-impermeable.
- Easy to prepare and apply.
- It can be applied with a brush or sprayer.
- The working time is long.
- It has excellent adhesion and crack bridging properties.
- Under the screed and ceramic forms a water-impermeable layer.
- It creates a jointless, seamless, permanent, waterproof coating.
- It is resistant to chemicals and salt solutions in the soil.
- It is water vapor permeable.
- It has high durability.
- It can be used in motion and vibration areas.
- Freezing – Resistant to thawing cycle.